Founder, CEO, Dancer

Current City: Brooklyn NY.
Current Job and Entrepreneurial Focus: I am the CEO for EatOkra, a platform that helps people find community and culture through food. We created a mobile application to connect 18,000 Black-owned restaurants to over half a million foodies across the United States.
Notable Prior Jobs: US Army - 6 yrs active duty, US Air Force Reserves 3 years, BuildingBlok - Full Stack Developer and CTO.
When I Started Performing: I started performing at the age of 14. My primary discipline was Hip Hop dance.
Performing Arts Background: Locally trained dancer in Hudson Valley New York. After my time in the military and honorably discharged, I continued dancing and was accepted into Broadway Dance Center's Professional Training Program. My most notable accomplishment was booking a performance for Madonna's launch of her clothing collection 'Material Girl' inside Macy's Herald Square in August 2010.
How did your performing arts background supercharge your entrepreneurship? Food and dance are both creative and artistic endeavors. They require imagination, experimentation, and a willingness to think outside the box. Incorporating the principles of creativity and innovation from food and dance into my tech company EatOkra has helped me approach problem-solving in unconventional ways. Embracing creativity can lead to fresh ideas, unique solutions, and innovative products and services.
Favorite Performer: Michael Jackson.
Follow this Performer:
Twitter - @AnthonyEdwardsj @eatOkraTheApp
Instagram - @edwardsdevelopit @eatokratheapp
LinkedIn - /company/eatokra /in/anthony-edwards-jr-b9084612/
